I have some of the best friends I could ask for. That I have literally known since kindergarten and elementary school. Without them I know that I wouldn't still be here sometimes. They are the people I have to thank for getting through everything in my life. They are the ones I've been able to rely on my whole life. It's a strange thing feeling the way I do, most people say it's their family that gets them through all of things. For me it's been my friends. I love them soo much, but also miss them dearly as some are hours away in different states. While others are just too busy with their new families.
I was just reading the title of my blog again:
Close your eyes~Clear your heart~Let it go.....
Thinking about how difficult that is to do. How many things I've not forgiven those that hurt me for and it's just turned around and bit me in the butt. Because they will/still treat my like I'm nothing. Why does life and everything in it have to be so difficult. Why does my adult life have to be so difficult? What did I do to deserve the hurt, the pain and everything else I'm experiencing right now? It's just exhausting.
Where do I go from here? How do I be ok living with those that don't respect me or my feelings or just think I'm an idiot sometimes. Most days I feel like the biggest black sheep of my family. Physically my body is in so much pain on a daily basis. Yet I'm still treated normal compared to the others who have most of the same issues of pain, migraines etc. Just makes me sad. I don't want to be that unhealthy person. I don't want to hurt anymore. Physically and Mentally. The harder part of all of this is that I can't even go to the doctor. Since I have not had health insurance in over 5 years I can't take care of most normal problems that we all have. For now I just have to deal with the tremendous amount of pain I'm in most days. Whether it's from herniated discs in my back, my neck or all the migraines I get. (and that's just the tip of the iceberg.
So for now my life is just a pile of rubble like this photo. Somewhere under it I am buried with all my thoughts. ;-)
FYI-these are Infra-red photo's. I love them because they give a whole new perspective on "old" things. Some even old things I have photographed before.
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